Day 5 – We Have #2!

He’d been eating so heartily for the last 4 1/2 days, we knew it had to be coming…and boy did it ever!  I’ve chuckled at others’ posts about the first poo, but it really WAS that great!  Hee hee!  Porter is regularly peeing when we go outside without hardly any hesitation.  He’s sleeping through the night without crying.  Eating and drinking so well it’s barely noticed.  Getting around really well.  Porter even had two visitors today, which he was very happy about!  He hopped himself across the yard to greet them & even gave them smiles.  I think it really makes him happy when he gets visitors – it makes him feel special!

The only remaining issue seems to be the “screams.”  Another one happened today, and it didn’t happen after trying to right himself after sleeping.  He was already up and standing this time, when he just spontaneously started.  They last a good 20 seconds.  Someone posted that they thought it might be phantom limb pains – I don’t know if there’s any way to know if that’s what it is.  I was hoping our massage therapist might be able to tell us something today, but our schedules didn’t match up so he didn’t get his visit.  So it still worries me a lot, but I don’t really know what to do about it.  If he has more episodes, I might call Dr. Brown and see what he thinks.  Poor boy, just breaks my heart.  But at least they don’t appear to be happening frequently nor do they last super long, so I’ll take it as a minor glitch in a pretty smooth recovery so far!

5 thoughts on “Day 5 – We Have #2!”

  1. The Pooping excitement is hysterical! I haven’t heard so much potty talk in 20 some years since my children potty trained! Everything that represents normal and healthy feels so great, doesn’t it?

    I sure hope somebody has an answer for the scream. Just hearing about it tears at my heart. It must be terrible for you! Until you get an answer, remember the calm love and comfort you give is so powerful! Almost impossible, but try to stay relaxed and positive with him.

    Wishing you the best of luck finding an answer!

    Hugs and Wags,
    Judy and Baby

    1. It sure seems like everyone thinks it sounds like phantom limb pain. In fact, when I went back to my “three legs & a spare” book, there is a link for screaming yelps. And the link sure seemed like mostly phantom limb pain. So I guess that may be the answer. I’ll wait to see if the frequency increases or decreases before talking to my vet. I don’t want to put Porter on another drug, but I don’t want him to be in any kind of pain either!!! Thanks so much!

      Sandy & Porter

  2. Hooray for the happy hoppy first poop dance!

    Abby only screamed like that twice, so we never ended up needing to address it, but I know others said gabapentin really helped.

    Big hugs to Porter,
    Jackie, Angel Abby’s mom

  3. Your description sounds like phantom limb pain. Porter might benefit from some gabapentin. I don’t think it’s expensive and it’s effective.

    Doing the potty dance is good. We’re oddballs around here, but at least we’re nice oddballs! Hope Porter keeps up the good work. Before you know it, he’ll be all healed up and getting on with life.


  4. It’s great to hear that Porter is moving around and greeting visitors. He’s definitely on the mend.

    The screaming must be heart wrenching. I can only hope it fades with time. Sparky has never done it, so I don’t have any info for you.
    Best wishes.
    Becky (Sparky’s mom)

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